Asian International Journal of Pest Management(AIJPM)

Dear Authors,

We are happy to introduce Asian International Journal of Pest Management (AIJPM) to you.

Asian International Journal of Pest Management is an online International Journal own by Esxon Publishers

Asian International Journal of Pest Management was established in June 2001 to publish high quality peer review research papers in Agricultural Entomology (Crop Protection), Veterinary Entomology and Medical Entomology.

Our journals maintain the highest standards of quality, with Editorial Boards composed of scholars from around the world. We recognize that authors, institutions and societies are increasingly seeking to reach a global audience and we have all the skills, experience and technology to help them achieve this objective.

We are always looking for authors and institutions that are interested in publishing their research papers for society. We would ensure that your work reaches the highest success. 

Our commitment to service and personal attention ensures that you will be an active participant in key publishing decisions. We will be responsible to your publishing needs.

AIJPM Journal gives every author and editor attention of the highest caliber. The successful integration of editorial, production, and marketing efforts ensures the distinction and strength of our publishing operations.

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